A team of Cygnet Group employees took up the challenge of growing moustaches this month as part of the annual Movember campaign to raise funds and awareness of men’s health issues.
The 17-strong team, dubbed ‘Mo Bros’ by the charity, raised £340.00 in the 30-day challenge and achieved an impressive array of facial hair.
The annual initiative was launched in 2003 by global charity the Movember Foundation, to improve understanding and break down taboos around prostate and testicular cancers, and promote physical activity mental health and wellbeing in men.
Mo Bro Ray Crawford said: “It’s been a great way of making people aware of these issues and sparking conversation around them.
“Men are generally keen to dodge discussions about our health, but most of us have been affected by at least one of the issues this challenge supports.
“We hope to make it a bigger event next year and will be encouraging more people to join us”.