Cygnet Texkimp showcases DEECOM® recycling solution at ICS
A DEECOM® composites recycling solution, built by fibre processing machinery specialist Cygnet Texkimp and commissioned by the Henry Royce Institute [...]
Cygnet Texkimp supplies filament winding cell to TWI
Composites technology company Cygnet Texkimp [Cheshire, UK] has supplied a multi-mode filament winding cell to TWI’s Materials Integrity Centre in [...]
Cygnet Texkimp Celebrates 50 Years of Innovation in Fibre Handling and Processing Technology
2024 marks Cygnet Texkimp’s 50th year in business. CEO Luke Vardy looks back over five decades of ground-breaking innovation and [...]
JEC Composites Market Newsletter feature: Automated winding cell addresses the need for high-rate manufacture of composite parts
The issue of the JEC Composites newsletter Features our Automated Winding Cell Read the full newsletter here
Composites World Feature: Manufacturing tech for scalable Type V hydrogen tank fabrication, CFRP lifecycle management
The January issue of Composites world Features our Multi Roll Stack technology. Read the full article here
JEC Feature: Automated winding cell addresses the need for high-rate manufacture of composite parts
JEC Composites #154 The January – February issue of JEC Composites Features our Robot-AGV. Read the full article here
National Composites Centre commissions Cygnet Texkimp filament winding machine for new era of hydrogen vessel development
Composites technology company Cygnet Texkimp [Northwich, UK] has delivered a four-axis filament winding machine to the National Composites Centre [NCC, [...]
Cygnet Texkimp Features Automation Solutions at Advanced Engineering
Fibre handling specialist and machine builder Cygnet Texkimp will highlight how its bespoke automation and handling solutions are being used [...]
Cygnet Texkimp’s Multi Roll Stack prepreg and towpreg machine shortlisted for CAMX Award
Composites technology company Cygnet Texkimp has been shortlisted in the CAMX Awards for Unsurpassed Innovation with its Multi Roll Stack [...]