This is a TITLE builder element – it’s set to H1 in the Design tab.
This is a TEXT builder element. The default here is normal parapgraph text, such as this:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec egestas magna ex, quis lobortis orci varius posuere. Integer sagittis mi quis ex congue elementum. Pellentesque vitae blandit magna. Etiam at maximus magna, condimentum interdum massa. Duis sit amet sapien bibendum, porttitor metus eu, luctus quam. Quisque fermentum dignissim dui, gravida facilisis massa tristique in. Pellentesque pellentesque lectus vitae quam convallis vulputate. Sed sollicitudin sodales libero id hendrerit.
However, you can also apply formatting, such as H1, using the dropdown at the top left of the edit panel for this element. The default will be showing as ‘Paragraph‘, but you can choose from H tags as well, such as this below which I’ve set as H1:
This is text formatted as H1
The appearance of text is set from the Admin side menu: Avada > Options > Typography
Body sets the general paragraph text.
Heading Typography is where you set the H tag properties.
However, changing these will not affect whether something is set at H1 on any particular page – that’s done at page level.
You can override the appearance of text in a TITLE element using the Design tab. Here you can select Font, Size, Colour and other parameters.
As an example, on the current home page both the first heading (Cygnet Texkimp is a leading global provider…) and the second heading (We manufacture state-of-the-art…) are both set as H1 tags in their respective Title element boxes. However, the second heading font size has been overridden in the Design tab to be smaller that H1 is set in Avada Options. In this instance 24px.
To remove the duplicate H1 tag, you could set the second heading as H2, then override the default H2 style with 24px size and colour Blue.
The same can be done for the other Title element further down the page, also set as H1: Our Products & Services